Why You Should Be Wearing The 13*6 Lace Front Wig


Wigs have gone through so many modifications in the past to not only make them easy to wear but even more stylish. The initial wig cap was a 13*3.4, but this was changed to 13*4. Currently, the wig cap that is getting the most attention is the 13x6 lace front wig cap. If you have no idea how wigs work, then you might be in for a lesson or two on which wig is the best option for you. Here are the top reasons you should be wearing the 13*6 lace front wig.

1. Big lace size

If you have ever worn a wig with no partition, then you know just how hot and uncomfortable it can get there. The heat trapped in has nowhere to go. Research done when creating wigs shows that the bigger the lace size, the better the breathability aspect. With the 13*6 lace front wig, you can be assured of better breathability. You do not have to worry about feeling hot and stuffy as you wear it.

2. Looks more natural

Even though there are so many wigs in the market made from human hair, most of them do not look natural. The reason for this is either their partition is too small, or they have no partition at all. The length of the partition on the 13*6 lace frontal wig makes it look all the more natural. You can still style it however you want, but the partition will give an illusion of realness.

3. Covers the entire hairline

The other perk of lace frontal wigs, in general, is they cover your entire hairline. Unlike the headband wigs that only cover half your head, you do not need anything extra to create the illusion of full coverage. These wigs sometimes come with edges that you can lay down, which create an illusion of a natural hairline. Styling means your edges will be laid and you have no need to worry about looking like you have a wig on.

4. Offers better flexibility

The two-inch difference in the partition is another big perk of this hairstyle. You get to choose how you want to style it. You can either style it with the entire partition or part it differently. Many wig wearers do admit that styling the 13*6 lace frontal wig is easier than any other wig in the market.

5. It comes in a variety of styles and hair

Another big perk of this wig is that it comes in a variety of styles and hair types. You can get it in straight, wavy, or kinky hair. The choice of which one works for you is entirely up to you. You can switch up different hair types based on your current preference. It makes the entire wig-wearing process easy.

Last thoughts

Getting the right wig is what will determine your user experience. Besides settling for the style you want, it is also recommended that you consider the partition. It will add to your whole user experience and ensure you have something that works for you.


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